The “kiwi can-do spirit”. I first heard this term and really thought about it in Canada. A bunch of kiwis were hiking up some hill near Banff and I being the outdoors-aversive person that I have sadly become, was scared/disinclined to walk up the hill and I remember one of the girls saying “c’mon, where’s the kiwi can-do spirit” and in that freezing cold outdoor scene in Banff I thought of all the people and things that embody this can-do spirit. Sir Ed on the Everest peak, the mighty All blacks in a rugby game, the first women who got us voting rights before anyone else in the world...yeah sure this is a bit too dramatic and over exaggerated but I strongly believe that our can-do attitude is our biggest strength. It’s what keeps me going being all alone in a new and different part of the world.
Lately, I have been almost scared to open the NZ herald front page. In the past few weeks, I have read about the loss of a fellow schoolmate because of a freak food poisoning accident in Thailand. I have heard about the terrible loss of an AIESEC alumni and partner of one of the nicest people I know. I have seen pictures of the quake-hit Christchurch – one of my favourite places in NZ. All terrible news that make me long for home and make me wish I was there. I couldn’t have changed or prevented any of this but I know being there would have made a difference. I sit here in my room, thousands of miles away, constantly checking the news and twitter/facebook updates to make sure everyone I know is ok but I still feel helpless. In this state of helplessness, I also find hope. I have been so impressed by the way people have been reaching out to everyone in Christchurch – be it having a last minute fund raising concert or refraining from using your cell phone so that those in need can use the much needed bandwidth or be it offering help of all sorts on the facebook page for supporting victims of the quake. These all go to highlight the unbeatable can-do spirit, the unmatchable friendliness, the drive to find solutions rather than focusing on the problems that kiwis are known all over the world for. Yeah shit happens, but we don’t cry over it, we stay strong and we build ourselves up again. We are a country of fighters and survivors. New Zealand, you give me hope and make me so proud!
“Kia Kaha” is probably one of my favourite Maori phrases. It means forever strong and that pretty much captures the spirit of New Zealand. Friendly Cantabarians, I’m really really sorry for your loss but I know we will come out of it..coz unlike those Obama followers, YES WE REALLLY CAN . I can see from the rescue efforts that we are shaken, not stirred even after this “darkest day in NZ history” and we will continue to pick up the pieces and stay forever strong.
Arohanui from Prague
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